How to Export your Publications from Google Scholar for your Academic Website

A quick video and instructions to help you import your publications into you academic website. Google Scholar will export your publications list in BibTeX format. This method uses an online convertor to convert the BibTeX format into one of several standard reference list formats, such as APA, which you can then paste into your Publications … Read more

How to Build the Publications List for Your Academic Website

This guide will help you to build a list of your publications in a format you need to create a page on your academic website. I’ve created this guide because I often find that the list of publications people keep in their CV does not display well on a website. This is usually because the … Read more

How to Choose an Email Marketing Service for your Small Business

[clear]What you need to consider and the criteria you should use for choosing an email marketing service for your small business. Over the last few months I’ve been trying out a range of Email Marketing Services on behalf of my small business clients. In the course of doing it became clear to me just how important … Read more

List of Disasters Reviewed

Incidents referred to in articles on psychological and behavioural responses to disaster including CBRN. A number of specific incidents are referred to throughout our articles on disaster resilience and disaster psychology. They are listed below, in alphabetical order, along with the date on which they occurred and a brief description. Those incidents that involve CBRN … Read more

How to remove your location data before sharing photos

The problem is you can’t rely on social media to automatically remove location data from photos you post online. Currently Facebook automatically strips out the EXIF information (that contains location coordinates) from uploaded photos. They do this for privacy reasons. They also strip out the IPTC information that professional photographers insert (eg on your wedding … Read more

Email Newsletter Design with ConvertKit and MailerLite

MailerLite has just launched a new editor for their Email Newsletters, so it’s timely to compare the editors for MailerLite and ConvertKit. The two services could not be more different in this area. So it is a crucial aspect to review. Choose the wrong service and you’re going to be frustrated and disappointed. Comparing ConvertKit and … Read more

Factors affecting First Responder Turnout in Disaster

The scale of the problem The extent to which first responders turn out in the event of an emergency is an important concern since significant failure to turn out and commit would have wide implications for successfully dealing with an emergency. One suggestion is that turn out failure by emergency personnel is more likely under … Read more

Health and Stress Reactions of First Responders

The scale of the problem There is a growing recognition that First Responders themselves can become psychological victims of a disaster (Alexander & Klein, 2003; R Wraith & Gordon, 2001?). Eighty percent of disaster workers experience emotional symptoms due to their experience of the events, and their role as help providers dealing with death and … Read more

Community Role in Disaster Management

This article discusses the immediate social response to a disaster incident by the affected community. The literature suggests that victims respond in an active rather than passive manner following a disaster incident and that altruism and volunteer behaviour is generally found, which results in increased social cohesion. See also this article on The Public as … Read more


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Embedding a Responsive Vimeo Video without Plugins or Coding

By default a Vimeo embed in WordPress is not responsive. However there’s a way to tweak the iframe embed code with one click to make it responsive. There are several ways to embed Vimeo videos in wordPress. The simplest is to paste the URL of the video in your post. Or you can grab the … Read more

My Top 3 Adoption and Fostering Podcasts

Adoption Podcasts There are now over 20 podcasts focused on the topic of child adoption that provide information, education and support to adoptive parents and adoptees. I’ve listened to most of them and here I’ve picked three I found most interesting and useful and which illustrate the range that’s available. What are podcasts? If you’re … Read more

Website Managed Hosting and Site Care

Ruth Yeoman already had a personal academic website, but she wanted someone who understood her professional needs to look after all the technical aspects of hosting and maintaining her site, and at an affordable price. Read what I did, as well as full details of my Site Care plans.

How to Choose a Domain Name for your Personal Academic Website

It’s important to choose the right domain name for your personal academic website because it’s the first thing potential visitors find out about your website, as well as being the means to remember how to revisit your website. In this article I’m going to give you some guidelines for deciding on the right domain name … Read more